Take Action
CLIENT: Multnomah Bar FoundationPROJECT: We all want to make a difference, but how do you get started? This Public Service Announcement, funded by the Multnomah Bar Foundation, is all about finding ways to make positive changes in our community. One of the most powerful ways for people to be part of our democracy is to become civically engaged. At this point in our political history and social climate, we believe that a video of this nature helps viewers understand how their individual acts can greatly advance our nation. APPROACH: We were tasked to create a piece that would inspire our community to be more active in our democracy. With this in mind we designed an animation focused PSA that would make lofty and abstract concepts accessible. We also created a roadmap filled with tangible actions to help people become civically engaged and informed. This allowed us the opportunity to stretch our wings and experiment with new graphic techniques, stop motion animation styles, mixing in live action with motion tracking and a script designed to inform and inspire action. RESULTS: Our PSA went on to win the Best of the Northwest Awards 2019 and inspired countless residents to get involved. For more information go to: https://mbabar.org/mbf