100 Years Strong
CLIENT: League of Women VotersPROJECT: The League of Women Voters (LWV) are a group of nonpartisan, grassroots activists who helped women gain the right to vote back in 1920. 100 years later they have continued to achieve countless successes in advocacy, education and voters' rights. This video gives an overview of their successes throughout time and celebrates their 100 year anniversary.
APPROACH: We were approached to make a multifaceted video that would serve to recruit new members to the LWV and spotlight their 100 year history. A lot of time was spent in pre-production working closely with our contact at the LWV to filter out which accomplishments we would highlight out of their dense century-long history. Not a small feat! We felt that a timeline animation that included images of the LWV historical events was the way to go. We wanted to be as visual as possible to help audiences absorb all the information we were throwing at them. The second half of the video transitions to interviews we shot at the statewide LWV conference so we could feature members from chapters across Oregon. It was important for us to be able to show some of the actual members of the league so we could see the real people behind the league’s impressive accomplishments. RESULTS: Consider joining these powerful women and men by visiting lwvor.org/home/joinus